Monday, November 6, 2017

Integrating Watson Alchemy API with IBM Data Science Experience

This blog describes - Integrating the "Watson Alchemy API" service in IBM Bluemix with RStudio in IBM Data Science Experience.

Here, we use different NLP API's provided by Alchemy API from R Studio in IBM Data Science Experience. We use the rJava library to get sentiment, entities, relation etc on unstructured data.

1) Setup the "Watson Alchemy API" service in IBM Bluemix

Login to and create an account then create a Alchemy Service.

Get the apikey from service credentials as below.

2) Build a Java Application

Download Watson Developer Cloud Java SDK

Create a Java Project with the below code

package com.bluemix;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;


public class BlueMix_Alchemy_API {
       String Document;
       public static void main(String[] args) {}

       public String getSentiment(String inputStr, String ApiKey) {
             AlchemyLanguage service = new AlchemyLanguage();
        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
           DocumentSentiment sentiment = service.getSentiment(params).execute();
           return sentiment.toString();
       public String getTypedRelations(String inputStr, String ApiKey) {
             AlchemyLanguage service = new AlchemyLanguage();
        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        TypedRelations relations = service.getTypedRelations(params).execute();
           return relations.toString();

       public String getEntities(String inputStr, String ApiKey) {
             AlchemyLanguage service = new AlchemyLanguage();
           Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
           Entities entities = service.getEntities(params).execute();
           return entities.toString();


Generate the java jar for the java code.

3) Setup the "IBM Data Science Experience"

Login to and create an account.

 Open R Studio and install the R Library - rJava

Create a folder and set it as working directory. Upload the java jar & java-sdk-3.3.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar to the working directory.

R Commands:

> library(rJava)
> cp = c("/home/rstudio/WatsonAlchemySentimentAnalysis/WatsonAlchemySentimentAnalysis.jar",

> .jinit(classpath=cp)
> instance = .jnew("com.bluemix.BlueMix_Alchemy_API")
> sentiment <- .jcall(instance, "S", "getSentiment", "IBM Watson won the Jeopardy television show hosted by Alex Trebek","<provideTheAPIKeyFromBlumix>")
> cat(sentiment)
> entities <- .jcall(instance, "S", "getEntities", "IBM Watson won the Jeopardy television show hosted by Alex Trebek","<provideTheAPIKeyFromBlumix>")
> cat(entities)
> relation <- .jcall(instance, "S", "getTypedRelations", "IBM Watson won the Jeopardy television show hosted by Alex Trebek","<provideTheAPIKeyFromBlumix>")
> cat(relation)

Link to GitHub code

Further Reading: 

Integrating the "IBM BigInsights for Apache Hadoop" service in IBM Bluemix with RStudio in IBM Data Science Experience - Part 1 

Integrating the "IBM BigInsights for Apache Hadoop" service in IBM Bluemix with RStudio in IBM Data Science Experience - Part 2